Gabriele Novosel
Never give up – “Doesn’t work, doesn’t exist, it just works differently!”
For 25 years Gabriele has been successfully acting in various functions and roles, so that people in organizations can make their contribution to the whole, organizations can efficiently and effectively fulfill their purpose so that both can achieve the desired benefit based on a viable sustainable future strategy.
The only constant in life is change. Agility, focus, integrity, attitude, order & chaos are central principles building the core of what she does as a passionate organizational and personnel developer, strategy expert, trainer, coach, mediator, moderator and entrepreneur.
Learning to understand how systems are working, observing and describing them and their relevant environment, deriving behavior, accompanying people in identifying but also leaving their comfort zone in order to enable sustainable, goal-oriented further development – these are just a few procedures, Gabriele is acting and advising to help their systems to achieve their goals. Often quoted and proven: She is sometimes uncomfortable, but extremely effective!

And by the way:
Contact Gabriele Novosel: